Wednesday 6 April 2011

Tuesday 15th February 2011

 Tutorial 4 - Object Selection and the Marquee Box
Each yellow square when a shape is selected has different uses:

The centre square allows the box (shape) to be moved around.

The circle at the right of the marquee box allows the shape to be rotated.

The diamond to the left of the marquee box allows the shape to be flipped vertically ...

...and the diamond to the at the top of the square flips the shape horizontally.

The double diamonds at the bottom of the shape copy it.

Tutorial 7 - Line Styles and Line Colours

The line type can be changed from solid to dashes and the thicknesses of lines. (Fine and Thick)

Tutorial 8 - Using Fills
I practiced filling shapes with different coloured fills.

Selecting different shape patterns allows for the different areas to be filled in making a picture.

Tutorial 9 - Creating New fills
I created a new fill. Setting it to a gradual fill pattern. I added two colours so there are four on the bar. (Red, White, Red and Black) and the pattern to linear with a 8mm space.

I created  a second fill pattern of my own. Using purple, red, orange and yellow. But this time the pattern is radial.

Using the duck, mesh and my own radial pattern I filled the shapes with the patterns.

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